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Andrew with Guide Dog Puppy Sitting on Swing

Andrew's Story

Andrew’s Colorado roots began three generations ago when his grandparents immigrated from Italy and settled in Brush, Colorado, where his mother was born. He was raised in a blue-collar family by his father, a WWII underage Navy veteran, and his pragmatic, loving mother, who worked swingshift to ensure there was enough to thrive.

He is married to Janice who works at Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) as a physical therapist and was an Erie Trustee from 2012-2016.  Their children, Matthew and Megan work and live nearby.  Janice and Andrew help raise Guide Dog for the Blind puppies, who go on to be service animals for the visually impaired. 


Andrew’s diverse education as a lifelong learner drives his understanding of both the social and technical needs of our society. Andrew earned his Executive MBA from CU in 2020 and holds degrees in computer science and sociology. 


Andrew is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the Colorado School of Mines, a prestigious STEM-focused public university in Golden. Before joining Mines, he was the CIO at the Boulder Valley School District and held leadership roles at Sun Microsystems.


Andrew was a three-term Mayor of the Town of Erie from 2004-2010.  He brings his 20+ year business leadership background, positive attitude, and common sense approach to community-building to Erie. His goal has always been to ensure our town is fiscally responsible while bringing Erie together through programs provided by the parks and recreation department and the library.

A lifelong volunteer, Andrew has been involved in:

  • HOAs as President and various board positions

  • Resource Central as Director and President (2015–2019)

  • Colorado Association of Leaders in Educational Technology as a Director and President (2013-2019)

  • Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Director (Gubernatorial Appointment; 2004-2007)

  • Denver Region Council of Governments (DRCOG) (2005-2007)

For fun and health, you can find Andrew:

  • Peloton'ng (@InnovateMoore)

  • Fishing in his 13' dinghy! 

  • Mountain Biking

  • Playing - Softball, Frisbee, Catch (pretty much anything with a ball!)

  • DIY'ng!

Thank you, Erie! With the election over, donations are no longer being accepted.  Donations from developers, oil and gas, and Town of Erie employees were never accepted. 


Ensure Erie's Future!

Thanks for submitting!

Andrew Moore


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© 2024 Campaign to Elect Andrew Moore for Mayor


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